
A beginner’s guide to using acupressure
Acupressure is based on the same principles as acupuncture - it's a way of stimulating specific points on the body in order to benefit health and wellbeing. The effects of these points have been carefully observed in China for nearly two thousand years by many generations of physicians,

The Ancient Art of Tui Na Self-Massage: Putting the Power to Heal Back in Your Own Hands
Ancient practices like self-massage and Qi gong that cultivate health, self-care and vitality are being rediscovered and embraced with enthusiasm by a growing number of people throughout the Western world. I’ve worked as a practitioner of acupuncture and Tui na (Chinese massage therapy) for 25 years. It’s a very different world now than it was back in 1994 when I started my practice. For me, this is the age for empowering and inspiring people to recognise that healing comes from within. That with the support of a skilled practitioner we connect and resonate with, we have the innate ability to heal ourselves.